Event |
Award |
Winner(s) |
Paper Tower Challenge 2017 |
First Runner-up |
Kyan Yip
葉君譽 (8B) |
Godfrey Szeto
司徒臻 (8C) |
Tim Leung
梁博霖 (8B) |
Racica Ho
何文懿 (8C) |
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) |
Science in English (primary 4)- Highest score in the subject |
Chloe Li
李紀媛 (4C) |
Science in English (primary 4)- Highest score in the subject |
Katie Luk
陸紀諭 (4E) |
Science in English (primary 4)- Highest score in the subject |
Magnus Wong
黃岱泓 (4F) |
Mathematics in English (primary 5) - Highest score in the subject |
Christian Lau
柳銘睎 (5F) |
Science in English (primary 6) - Highest score in the subject |
Nathan Shum
沈敬書 (6C) |
English (Form 1) - Highest score in the subject |
Katrina Ng
吳睿庭 (7D) |
Science in English (Form 1) - Highest score in the subject |
Jenna Chow
鄒日晴 (7E) |
Science in English (Form 1) - Highest score in the subject |
Sarah Tseung
蔣玟晴 (7B) |
Writing (Form 1) - Highest score in the subject |
Kathryn Choi
蔡繕而 (7C) |
English (Form 2) - Highest score in the subject |
Maggie Tam
譚曉晴 (8C) |
Writing (Form 2) - Highest score in the subject |
Geoffrey Ho
何韜 (8F) |
第二十四屆香港小學數學奧林匹克比賽 |
小六組-金獎 |
Liron Chan
陳弘喜 (6E) |
2017AIMO(港澳盃)初賽 |
六年級組-金獎 |
Liron Chan
陳弘喜 (6E) |
2017華夏盃初賽 |
六年級組-一等獎 |
Liron Chan
陳弘喜 (6E) |
第十六屆培正數學邀請賽初賽 |
中一組 -優異獎 |
Liron Chan
陳弘喜 (6E) |
The 2016/17 HK Budding Poet (English) Award |
Open Section - Champion – Longing |
Gloria Wong
黃曉欣 (8F) |
Open Section - 1st Runner Up – Growing Up |
Christie Wong
王德柔 (12C) |
Open Section - Merit Award – Social Media |
Gloria Wong
黃曉欣 (8F) |
Open Section -Merit Award – Poverty |
Gloria Wong
黃曉欣 (8F) |
Open Section -Merit Award – Growing Up |
Jessie Cho
曹明樂 (7F) |
Open Section -Commeddation – Longing |
Christie Wong
王德柔 (12C) |
Open Section -Commeddation – Social Media |
Owen Yeung
楊皓雲 (10A) |
The 14th HK Schools GO Competition
第十四屆香港校際圍棋大賽 |
Senior Primary -4th Runner-up |
Oliver Chan
陳浩謙 (5D) |
Liron Chan
陳弘喜 (6E) |
Andy Tam
譚昊然 (6F) |
第九屆大學文學獎「少年作家獎」 |
中學組少年作家獎 |
Vaness Tse
謝昫泳 (10F) |
Asia Children Education Association Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School English Writing Competition 2016 |
Senior Secondary Most Creative Writer - Gold Award |
Clement Ho
何家俊 (10D) |
Junior Secondary Most Creative Writer - Gold Award |
Ellen Ng 吳依霖 (9B) |
HKUGA College Mathematics week 2017 Paper Tower Competition |
Secondary -Winner |
Kyan Yip
葉君譽 (8B) |
Gabriel Lee
李智員 (8C) |
Godfrey Sze-To
司徒臻 (8C) |
Henry Chau
周澔賢 (8E) |
GSIS Dragon Maths 2017 |
Secondary -Winner |
Clifford Chan
陳璟泉 (8A) |
Matthew Cheng
鄭文森 (8D) |
Levin Szeto
司徒諾 (8E) |
Ian Loh
駱叡翹 (8E) |
“Digi-Science” Video Production Competition for Secondary Schools 2016-2017 |
Junior Secondary Division-Champion |
Anna Kam
金伊瑩 (9C) |
Audrey Cheung
張紫晴 ((9E) |
Maggie Tam
譚曉晴 (8C) |
Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Competition
香港青年科技創新大賽 |
Merit Award
研究及發明優異獎 |
Jason Kay
紀宏政 (5D) |
Merit Award
研究及發明優異獎 |
Kai Wong
王愷 (5F) |
Merit Award
研究及發明優異獎 |
Justin Yu
虞駿霆 (5F) |
第十一屆「善言巧論:全港學生口語溝通大賽」 |
初小組總季軍 |
Karis Wong
王綺璇 (3C) |
初小組總亞軍 |
Aidan Wong
黃允瑧 (3A) |
2017年4.23世界閱讀日創作比賽 |
初小組優勝獎 |
Shannon Lau
劉心嵐 (3C) |
高小中文組優勝獎 |
Odelia Yang
楊景恩 (5A) |
The Smart Rooster Math Cup (New Year Trophy)
小雄雞數學錦標賽(賀年盃) |
Gold Award 金獎 |
Elvin Lee
李漢禮 (2C) |
第七屆香港圍棋聯賽 |
Intermediate Division-Champion
中級冠軍組 |
Puhar Jack Liewellyn
陳至堯 (1C) |
Intermediate Division-Champion
中級冠軍組 |
Puhar Aaron Huw
陳至舜 (1B) |
HK Green Building Council “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for school 2016 |
Senior Secondary Division - Merit Award |
Casey Yip
葉君摯 (11D) |
Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition |
1st Runner Up |
Emily Wong
黃婉菁 (5A) |
Dorcas Yu
余天詠 (5A) |
Merit |
Kai Wang
王愷 (5F) |
Justin Yu
虞駿霆 (5F) |
Jason Kay
紀宏政 (5D) |
Scholastic Chess Competition |
D- Division tournament - Champion |
Jack Puhar
陳至堯(1C) |
D- Division tournament - Third Place |
Aaron Puhar
陳至舜(1B) |
RTHK Speaking Competition – Speaker of the Year |
Secondary Session - Second Runner Up |
Natasha Tai
戴朗婷(11E) |
International Student’s Visual Arts Contest-cum-Exhibition of HK
香港國際學生視覺藝術比賽暨展覽 |
Primary Session - Merit
小學組優異獎 |
Christie Wong
黃頌茵 (5F) |
Secondary Session - Merit
中學組優異獎 |
Li Yau
李尤 (6F) |
2016 Asia Pacific Robot Alliance Competition Regional Final in HK
亞太機械人聯盟競賽2016 |
Collaboration Award – Sumo Remote - 2nd Runner-up |
Max Lee
李崇澤 (7B) |
Timothy Ho
何嘉謙 (7C) |
Sumo Competition - 2nd Runner-up |
Harrison Lam
林曉生 (9B) |
Lui Man Hei
雷文熙 (9A) |
Thomas Chin
錢樂庭 (9A) |
第十六屆香港業餘圍棋公開賽 |
Overall - Champion
總團體冠軍 |
Ethan Chung
鍾雋宏 (6D) |
Liron Chan
陳弘喜 (6E) |
Andy Tam
譚昊然 (6F) |
Matthew Lau
劉道明 (4E) |
4F Matthew Tsang
曾慶樂 (4F) |
Joshua Lo
羅俊智 (3C) |
Freeman Lo
盧知行 (2D ) |
Chase Lau
劉岳霆 (2D) |
Jason Tsang
曾慶朗 (2F) |
Puhar Aaron Huw
陳至舜 (1B) |
Puhar Jack Llewwllyn
陳至堯 (1C) |
2016 Asia Pacific Robot Alliance Competition, HK 2016 APRC
亞太機器人聯盟賽-香港區選拔賽 |
Junior – Secondary Sumo -1st Runner-up
初中組相撲賽亞軍 |
Desmond Lau
劉倬僖 (9C) |
Owen Fung
馮景譽 (9C) |
Ian Ip
葉朗熙 (9E) |
International Junior Science Olympiad
國際初中科學奧林匹克 |
Second Class Honour |
Jones Cheung
張守中 (7D) |
Third Class Honour |
Gabriel Lee
李智員 (8C) |
Third Class Honour |
Timothy Ho
何嘉謙 (7C) |
Third Class Honour |
Tybalt Pang
彭文韜 (8E) |