Event |
Award |
Winner(s) |
第十一屆香港校際圍棋大賽 |
亞軍 |
陳弘喜 Liron Chan (3D) |
譚昊然 Andy Tam (3B) |
陳浩謙 Oliver Chan (2A) |
校際手機應用程式設計大賽2014 |
1st Runner Up – Junior Group |
Jeffrey Leung 梁伯熙 (9B) |
Shaun Kam 金靖棋 (9C) |
Aetos Fok 霍峻 (9E) |
Secondary School Mathematics and Science competition 2014 |
High Distinction – Biology |
Kristopher Cheng 鄭桐 (11A) |
Distinction – Biology |
Tom Leung 梁博謙 (11A) |
Distinction – Biology |
Jay Yan 甄翰章 (11C) |
High Distinction – Chemistry |
Ivan Iu 姚了然 (11A) |
Distinction – Chemistry |
Cherry Lau 劉卓兒 (11A) |
Distinction – Chemistry |
Gordon Cheung 張日曦 (11C) |
Distinction – Chemistry |
Jay Yan 甄翰章 (11C) |
Distinction – Physics |
Ivan Iu 姚了然 (11A) |
Medal – Mathematics |
Ivan Iu 姚了然 (11A) |
High Distinction – Mathematics |
Thomas Cheung 張偉林 (11A) |
High Distinction – Mathematics |
Gordon Cheung 張日曦 (11C) |
Distinction – Mathematics |
Anson Wu 胡佐謙 (11C) |
2014學生中文故事創作比賽 |
Champio 高小 – 冠軍 |
Anna Kam 金伊瑩 (6E) |
Hong Kong University Inter-school Drama Competition |
Best Performance |
Charis Hung 洪嘉瑩 (4A) |
Isaac Chu 朱卓謙 (4A) |
Tiffany Tam 譚天頤 (4A) |
Max Lee 李崇澤 (4C) |
Aidan Chan 陳哲 (5B) |
Stephanie Lo 盧昕曦 (5E) |
Jasmine Poon 潘思齊 (5F) |
Clear Shorelines Comic Competition |
Champion |
Karly Tang 鄧海嘉 (5D) |
Maths Multiple Intelligences Cup |
Gold Prize |
Jovy Sze 施雅琳 (1A) |
Gold Prize |
Luca Ng 吳諾嘉 (1D) |
Gold Prize |
Penelope Pannu 張朗悅 (1D) |
Gold Prize |
Anakin Wong 黃柏熹 (1F) |
Silver Prize |
Kary Wong 黃顯晴 (1D) |
Silver Prize |
Scarlett Kong 江尚盈 (1E) |
Silver Prize |
Michael Lam 林倍生(1F) |
Silver Prize |
Nikila Kahangamage 嘉樂騏 (1F) |
Silver Prize |
Gordon Chiu 趙子堯 (2B) |
Silver Prize |
Christian Lau 柳銘睎 (2B) |
Silver Prize |
Emily Hui 許晴欣 (2C) |
Silver Prize |
Katie Ho 何沚澄 (2C) |
Silver Prize |
David Ho 何雋謙 (2D) |
Silver Prize |
Edward Cheung 張子匡 (3A) |
Silver Prize |
Bowen Leung 梁隼朗 (3A) |
Silver Prize |
Liron Chan 陳弘喜 (3D) |
Silver Prize |
Gabriel Lee 李智員 (5B) |
Silver Prize |
Ian Loh 駱叡翹 (5E) |
Silver Prize |
Matthew Cheng 鄭文森 (5F) |
Bronze Prize |
Valerie Lai 黎穎儒 (1A) |
Bronze Prize |
Keanu Chang 張天 (1A) |
Bronze Prize |
Jeffrey Tung 董博禮 (1C) |
Bronze Prize |
Adrian Lee 李正熙 (1C) |
Bronze Prize |
Adrian Ng 吳文軒 (1E) |
Bronze Prize |
Haruka Kurishima 栗島晴楓 (1E) |
Bronze Prize |
Herman Pang 彭清揚 (2B) |
Bronze Prize |
Eden Cheung 張日晞 (2E) |
Bronze Prize |
Ethan Chung 鍾雋宏 (3C) |
Bronze Prize |
James Cheng 鄭浩恩 (3C) |
Bronze Prize |
Travis Leung 梁俊文 (3E) |
Bronze Prize |
Jones Cheung 張守中 (4A) |
Bronze Prize |
Winsome Kwong 鄺家揚 (5D) |
Bronze Prize |
Levin Szeto 司徒諾恩 (5D) |
International Children Painting Competition 2013/2014 |
Bronze Prize 季軍 |
Audrey Chak 翟穎霖 (7C) |
2014我愛香港德育演講比賽 |
Primary session – 2nd Runner Up |
Anson Lam 林殷慇 (2C) |
2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) |
Highest Score in English |
Isaac Chu 朱卓謙 (4A) |
Highest Score in Writing |
Isaac Chu 朱卓謙 (4A) |
Highest Score in English |
Charis Hung 洪嘉瑩 (4A) |
Highest Score in English |
Victor Wong 黃裕鴻 (4E) |
High Score in Science in English |
Timothy Ho 何嘉謙 (4A) |
Highest Score in Writing |
Stephanie Lo 盧昕曦 (5E) |
Highest Score in English |
Bryan Chow 周栢仁 (7A) |
Highest Score in Writing |
Crystal Chiu 趙敏淇 (8C) |
Highest Score in Writing |
Blossom Kam 甘汶仟 (8D) |
第一屆高論盃 |
優異獎 |
Jason Chan 陳子朗 (9A) |
優異獎 |
Michelle Cheng 鄭彤欣 (11D) |
第八屆善言巧辯 |
優異獎 |
Serah Cheung 張羨迦 (11D) |
ESF校際辯論比賽 |
最佳辯論員 |
Nicole Koo 顧千蔚 (11B) |
2014年度「4·23世界閱讀日創作比賽」 |
全港初中組冠軍 |
Anna Kam 金伊瑩 (6E) |
初中中文組冠軍 |
Christy Sit 薛曉藍 (7A) |
高中中文組冠軍 |
Sam Chau 鄒楚林 (11C) |
Hong Kong British Parliamentary Debating Championship 2014 |
Grand Finalist; 9th Best Speaker |
Gordon Cheung 張日曦 (11C) |
Brian Pak 白礎皓 (11C) |
Eunice Chan 陳騫 (12C) |
The 29th Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition 2013-2014 English Section |
Second Runner-Up |
Eunice Li 李樂珽 (10A) |
Ivan Chan 陳雋熙 (10B) |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
Gordon Cheung 張日曦 (11C) |
Brian Pak 白礎皓 (11C) |
Eunice Chan 陳騫 (12C) |
Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition
香港青少年科技創新大賽 |
Senior Group – Outstanding Award 優異獎 |
Sam Chau 鄒楚林 (11C) |
Senior Group – Outstanding Award 優異獎 |
Clara Tong 湯芷晴 (11C) |
Junior Writers Awards 2014 |
Top 100 Writers of 2014 |
Natasha Tai 戴朗婷 (8D) |
China National Chinese Senior High School Senior Speaking
21世紀全國中小學生英語演講比賽總決賽 |
Champion |
Bonnie Yeung 楊翠茵 (11D) |
Eye Level Math Olympiad 2013 (ELMO) |
World Champion & Gold |
Clement Tsang 曾奕山 (2E) |
Hong Kong Children’s Go Competition |
Champion |
Liron Chan 陳弘喜 (3D) |
Outstanding Cambridge Learners Awards
劍橋傑出成績獎 |
Additional Mathematic — Top in the World |
Ivan Iu 姚了然 |
Food & Nutrition — Top in the World |
Connie Chan 陳康蕾 |
Business Studies — Top in Hong Kong |
Gianna Li 李珈蔚 |
History — Top in Hong Kong |
Bonnie Yeung 楊翠恩 |
Music — Top in Hong Kong |
Wesley Tang 鄧楚賢 |
HKFYG Standard Chartered Hong Kong English Public Speaking Contest 2014
渣打香港英語演講比賽2014(In January this year, five of our students entered the HKFYG Standard Chartered Hong Kong English Public Speaking contest. Two students, Clara Tong (11C) and Bonnie Yeung (11D), made it through to the top 29 students in the Semi Final, with Bonnie making it through as one of five into the Grand Final Competition held on 22nd February.Having attained first runner up last year, Bonnie went one place better this year finishing as the Grand Final Champion. She will now represent Hong Kong in The Twelfth China Daily 21st century Lenovo Cup National High School and Primary School English Speaking Competition in Beijing in April, and in the ESU International Public Speaking Competition in London in May.) |
冠軍 |
Bonnie Yeung 楊翠恩 (11D) |
The World Scholar’s Cup 2014
世界學者盃2014(30 of our students took part in the Hong Kong Round of The World Scholar’s Cup on 15th February. Throughout the day-long competition, students were tested on their debate skills, writing skills, team work and knowledge of subjects covering the whole curriculum. All of our students performed exceptionally well, winning a range of awards and accolades. Two of our teams (Bonnie Yeung, Kaya Wong, Brian Pak and Angus Fong, Angus Wu and Natalie Ip) finished in the top 10 overall teams including all disciplines.All 10 of the CKY teams scored high enough in comparison with the rest of the world to win their way through to the Global Round, which will be held in Singapore in June.) |
Outstanding Debate |
Angus Fong 方皓晴 (12B) |
Eunice Chan 陳騫 (12C) |
Ruby Tam 譚蘊澄 (11D) |
Debate Honor |
Gordon Cheung 張日曦 (11C) |
Bonnie Yeung 楊翠茵 (11D) |
Ruby Tam 譚蘊澄 (11D) |
Top debater – 5th |
Angus Fong 方皓晴 (12B) |
Debate Team Award (Honors) |
Brian Yung 容文晞 (11D) |
Ruby Tam 譚蘊澄 (11D) |
Ryan Hui 許宇軒 (11A) |
Angus Wu 胡鎮華 (12A) |
Angus Fong 方皓晴 (12B) |
Natalie Ip 葉浠雅 (12C) |
Debate Team Medals |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
Brian Pak 白礎皓 (11C) |
Bonnie Yeung 楊翠茵 (11D) |
Writing Honor Medal |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
Writing Top Individuals – 2nd place |
Lily Khaw 許麗玲 (11D) |
Team Writing Honor Medals |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
Brian Pak 白礎皓 (11C) |
Bonnie Yeung 楊翠茵 (11D) |
Angus Wu 胡鎮華 (12A) |
Angus Fong 方皓晴 (12B) |
Natalie Ip 葉浠雅 (12C) |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
Marco Hung 孔繁智 (12B) |
Melissa Tong 唐鳴鶴 (12B) |
Scholar Challenge Medal Winners – Special Area |
Natalie Ip 葉浠雅 (12C) |
Scholar Challenge Medal Winners – Literature |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
Scholar Challenge – Honor Medal |
Natalie Ip 葉浠雅 (12C) |
Scholar Challenge – Top Individual |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
Scholar Challenge Team |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
Marco Hung 孔繁智 (12B) |
Melissa Tong 唐鳴鶴 (12B) |
Top Over All Scorer from PLKCKY |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
Scholar Bowl – Honor Medals |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
Brian Pak 白礎皓 (11C) |
Bonnie Yeung 楊翠茵 (11D) |
Angus Wu 胡鎮華 (12A) |
Angus Fong 方皓晴 (12B) |
Natalie Ip 葉浠雅 (12C) |
Individual Honor Medalists – Scholar Bowl |
Angus Fong 方皓晴 (12B) |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
第十屆「德藝雙馨」中國文藝展(香港區) |
冠軍 |
May Chan 陳碧瑜 (10A) |
The World Scholar’s Cup 2013
世界學者盃2013 |
Second Place Writing Team
小組寫作 – 亞軍 |
Marco Hung 孔繁智 (12B) |
Melissa Tong 唐嗚鶴 (12B) |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
Sixth Place Overall Scholar
世界學者盃 – 第六名 |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
Third Place Individual Writing
個人寫作 – 第二名 |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
Sixth Place Individual Writing
個人寫作 – 第六名 |
Melissa Tong 唐嗚鶴 (12B) |
Australian Mathematics Competition 2013
澳洲數學比賽2013 |
High Distinction
傑出獎 |
Keith Ho 何家朗 (10B ) |
保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金 |
獎學金 |
Richard Tang 鄧俊鏵 (11A) |
Iscah Cheung 張愛迦 (11D) |
Rhoda Au 區芷筠 (12C) |
Martin Chan 陳家翹 (12C) |
Kaya Wong 王正菩 (11B) |
Nicole Liang 梁卓怡 (12C) |
The Hong Kong Youth Creative Story Writing Competition
全港青年中文故事創作比賽 |
Award of Distinction
優異獎 |
Lillian Wu 武英姿 (8C) |
The Hong Kong Youth Creative Story Writing Competition
全港青年中文故事創作比賽 |
Award of Distinction
優異獎 |
Natia Ser 佘沅珈 (8E) |