Animal Welfare

Victoria Sin 12A (Animal Welfare)


For the Animal Welfare CAS Project, our group visited Villa Kunterbunt (VKB) Lantau, a dog shelter located in Mui Wo. Over the few days of the project, we had the opportunity to interact with Okka, the owner of the shelter. Most of us had never learned about the problems with puppy mills in Hong Kong before, and hearing the heartbreaking stories of slightly “flawed” puppies being abandoned made us realize the severity of the issue. 


Over the week, our daily tasks included walking the dogs and cleaning their kennels. Interacting with the dogs was challenging for me as I had to test my comfort zone and overcome my childhood fear of dogs. With the support and assistance of my group members, I successfully got less scared day by day, and was able to walk a dog by myself on the last day. 


At the end of the experience, we all discussed our thoughts on our time at VKB. It was upsetting to know that some dogs will not ever have the opportunity to experience what it is like to live with a loving family just because they were “flawed” at birth. This project helped us all truly realize the importance of adoption and how much of an impact it can make on a dog’s life.