04/07/2013 - English Day
28/06/2013 - Annual Fund Raising Concert 2013
26/06/2013 - CKY Speech Day
21/06/2013 - 女童軍宣誓
19/06/2013 - Swimming Gala
08/06/2013 - Y10 Study Tour — Germany
01/06/2013 - Prospective Year 1 Student Information Seminar
24/05/2013 - CKY Idol
24/05/2013 - Handbell Night
23/05/2013 - 全港學童愛長者行動 「德德豬顯愛心」計畫
19/05/2013 - CKY Dragon Boat Competition
16/05/2013 - Memorial Concert dedicated to Mr. Mark A. Williams
02/05/2013 - Cafe on the Hill
25/04/2013 - UAL (University of the Arts London) Visit School