All CKY current and incoming 2023-2024 Year 1 students will receive four 21st CKY Open Day tickets for either the morning or the afternoon session. 本校學生及2023-2024年度一年級學生將獲發早上或下午門票四張。
Other visitors may also reserve via the Eventbrite web link for two 21st CKY Open Day tickets on a first-come-first-serve basis. More information regarding the Eventbrite link will be released on the school website (www.cky.edu.hk) in the near future. 訪客也可以通過 Eventbrite 網站預留兩張 21st CKY 開放日門票,先到先得。有關 Eventbrite 網站的更多信息,將於稍後在學校網站 (www.cky.edu.hk) 上發布。